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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Did I Actually Say That To Liz Gilbert?

I was given only 5 minutes with Elizabeth Gilbert. There were 2 people assigned to stand in the back of the room with watches, timing our session, just to make sure she was able to stay on schedule.

She had lots to do that day. She was one of the keynote speakers at Archangel Summit and I was grateful for every second she was able to squeeze in for the shoot. 

My original plan was to be cool as a cucumber and pretend like it was no big deal. It took less than 2 seconds for that plan to go out the window. When I went to greet Liz, the first thing that came out of my mouth was, “I love you Liz Gilbert.”

That was not in the plan. The second sentence shot out of my mouth, “You have radically changed my life.” Since playing it cool was no longer an option, I decided to ride the wave and let my heart lead.

I’ll never forget how present and kind she was. When Liz made eye contact or spoke it felt like she really cared. Maybe I’m making this part up — seeing what I want to see. But also, who freaking cares? I’ll never know what she was actually thinking. I’ll never understand what her experience was like. 

But what I do know is how deeply that experience impacted me. Those 5 minutes with Liz Gilbert lifted me so high. Gave me so much hope. And for that, I will forever be grateful.