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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

New Friends

Around 50% the time I work with people I have never met before.

Yet thankfully, 99% of the time these new clients are amazing humans and we become new friends. 

Each person is different. Different upbringings, different cultures, different jobs, and different educational backgrounds. And despite all the differences, so many of the people I work with are also so similar

There is a magic inside each person. There is something beautiful that is ready to be expressed—a light, a song, a dance—that has always been there inside them. Often times they’ve already done an awesome job expressing it to the world on stages, in books, or even through one-on-one sessions with clients.

My job is always the same: to try and capture that magic through photos. 

And with each new photoshoot, I remember why I chose to be here on Earth for this particular human experience. Because with each new photoshoot, I feel like I get closer to my own heart.

It was such a treat to sit and chat with my new friend Mekeli Villamor. To hear his story. To feel his passion for music and art and to witness his love and adoration for his two sons. 

How lucky am I that amazing artists like Mekeli come to my studio and serenade me with personal concerts?! 

Thank you, brother. I’ll never forget our afternoon together. 

BIG love, 


PS: If you want to make something beautiful together in 2021, send me a quick DM or comment below with the word “2021”. I've got a great promo this month.

#torontophotography #torontophotographers #behindthephoto #portraitsinspire #beautifulhumans #photoportrait