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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts in SunChaser Photography
SunChaser Season Is Now Open

It’s official: SunChaser season is NOW OPEN.

Who wants to play in the sun with me this spring and summer?

I am now booking outdoor shoots (AKA SunChasers) in a variety of amazing locations throughout the city and province.

I don’t know about you, but I am ready to take in some much needed nature and sunshine.

If you’re interested send me a DM and I can share all the deets.




Beautiful human by: @chrisassaad

Beautiful photos by: @dariusbashar



I used to really struggle with speaking from my heart. I used to bury my truth from the world, worried I might burden people and feeling embarrassed if I took up too much space. 

Don't get me wrong… There is great value in humility and making space for others, but that’s not what this is about. Playing small is not humility. Quite the contrary, playing small is an act of selfishness.  

At the crux of playing small is a limiting belief that states:

"If I get too big, I won't be loved."

What I've experienced in my life is that when I speak from my heart and let my light shine through, I end up giving others permission to do the same. Playing big activates the light in others and allows you to bond and connect with people on a much deeper level. This actually creates more opportunities for love in your life. 

Standing boldly in your power and letting your light shine through is a very important gift we give our community and the world. It inspires others to do the same: to seek out their own truth and follow their hearts. This is a great responsibility and privilege we each hold.

The game-changer for me was in realizing that the light that shines through me is not actually mine at all. It belongs to God. And when we deny that light from shining through us, we are denying God. 

Joseph Campbell said it best:

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."

Personally, I'm done playing small. It does not serve me, my community, or The Universe. 

So shine bright my friend.

Before it's too late. 


The beautiful human in these photos is my dear friend Luciana. You can learn more about her and her magic here —>

- Originally written Jan 03, 2018

That Time I Almost Quit Photography

Most people don’t know that I am entirely self-taught when it comes to photography. 

I think this is really cool and in many ways one of my competitive advantages. Not knowing the “right way” of doing things gave me space to experiment and explore. 

One of the disadvantages of this self-taught approach was that I sometimes felt like my success was a lucky fluke—as if at any moment my luck would run out and all the talent would be gone forever.

Now that I think about it, at one point I felt like Cinderella at the ball. I had a blast taking epic photos, but one part of me was really aggressive about letting me know my days of taking great photos were limited. 

This video shares a very honest story about the day I almost quit photography for good. 

Anyone who has an overactive voice inside that is trying to convince you to QUIT might appreciate this story.