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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

This Is Rebecca


Many times on my own spiritual journey I’ve gotten lost by going too deep, too fast.

Even when I was a child, I was constantly exploring my existence.

My childhood journals are filled with questions like:

• What is my purpose?
* Why am I here?
• Who am I really?

I still love diving deep into questions like these.

It’s the sacred deep end of the ocean of life. I love exploring new waters and not knowing what I might find.

But over the years I have learned that going too deep can be exhausting, especially if you go alone.

Guides that specialize in the sacred deep end can be incredibly helpful.

Spiritual guides—such as my dear friend Rebecca—specialize in providing much needed support for humans who desire to safely explore the sacred deep end.

Rebecca is a medicine woman with a tremendous amount of experience and wisdom.

Check out her website for all the modalities she is versed in and to learn how serious she is about this work.

She is incredibly deep and ALSO one of the most playful, silly, kind and sweet humans I know.

After 40 years on this planet I have come to the conclusion that the most spiritual humans I know are also some of the silliest and most playful.

Life is a wonderful paradox in that way. So precious and sacred, and simultaneously one big cosmic joke.

A joke that we should all be laughing about, not in a disrespectful way, but more like the type of laugh when you all of a sudden are brought into a hilarious inside joke.

I am so grateful for spiritual lightworkers like Rebecca, who dance on the interaction between sacred and silly, and show us what true abundance looks like.

Big love,