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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

This is Vera


When I look at these photos, I see a teenager on her last day of high school. I see freedom and adventure. Everything feels possible.

It’s been a stretch of time since Vera was a teenager, but it’s clear her essence is full of youthful exuberance.

Her intention for the shoot was to let the youthful energy in her heart dance.

I think she nailed it.

Working with Vera during this shoot was truly like working with a curious, adventurous and playful child. She and I created space for her younger self to come out and play, and it was truly a wonderful experience. There is so much creative magic when our “childselves” are invited to show up and play.

I grow so much by witnessing my clients open their hearts and share the truth of their souls with the world. It takes a lot of courage to go into the depths of your heart and find your truth.

It takes even more courage to bring that truth into the world and share it outwardly.

Thank you Vera, for both your courage and for your willingness to be seen.

Your light and radiance makes this world a better place.



PS: If you’d like to work together this winter or spring, I have a great promotion til the end of this month. —>

PPS: If you want to see a fun video Reel I made for Vera you can find it on my Instagram or my TikTok.