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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged HEARTshots
This Is Ilana Cohen

About 90% of my clients are female entrepreneurs, many of which are also incredible mothers, grandmothers and caregivers of some sort.

Sometimes I feel like the best photography training I ever got was growing up in a household with 7 wonderful women.

I was the only male for most of my youth.

I witnessed and learned so much from watching these smart, strong, expressive women:

• Unflinching commitment to family

• Work ethic and the ability to juggle so many balls at once

• Loving with a gigantic heart

• Boldness / not taking shit from anyone

Nowadays, I see many of these traits in my clients.

I have no idea what it’s like to be a mother, but from what my clients tell me, it often means prioritizing your family.

I saw my own mother do this all the time. And her tremendous sacrifices deeply impacted me.

Whether my clients are are mothers or not, one thing that is constant about them is that they take care of a lot of other humans. They have these giant hearts and support and care for so many people.

This is one of the reasons I love using my HEARTshots photography experience to carve out dedicated time just for my clients. The entire experience is 100% about them.

HEARTshots are a temporary pause on all the caregiving, so that we can place some much deserved attention and care on them. This often fills their cups and allows them to continue doing the great work they do in the world.

The photos below are from a recent photoshoot I did with Ilana Cohen, who very much reminded me of the women in my family.

She is smart, driven and generous.

Ilana is at an exciting new chapter in her career. She runs 2 businesses and they are both growing and showing tremendous potential. She is stepping further into her power and using her background as a lawyer and her own very personal life experiences to help others.

It was so much fun to work with Ilana. I can’t wait to see where she goes from here.

Big love,


PS: If you want to learn more about working together take a look at the link in my bio. I currently have a great promo.

Big Announcement (New Website)

Hello dear friends,

I have a BIG update I am excited to share with you.

After careful consideration, I have decided to focus my photographer services on a single offer.

No more packages. No more mini-photoshoots. Just one clear and simple service for a super well defined audience.

After taking over 1,000,000 photos, I have gained crystal-clear insight on my style of photography, my creative coaching process, and who my services are most effective for.

And here it is…

My HEARTshots™ Experience helps emerging thought leaders grow their impact and their income.

To be more specific, my HEARTshots™ process is built from the ground up to give clarity, confidence, and momentum to emerging authors, speakers, coaches and artists.

The word “emerging” is key.

If you are about to launch something new (a course, a program, a book, a speaking circuit, a website) and you want to level-up your brand, then you are EXACTLY who I want to support.

This levelling-up can be hard. It’s easy to get stuck and and revert back to playing small.

On the surface people think photography is simply just about looking good on camera, but it’s so much more than that. It’s an opportunity to really see yourself. With the right guide and the right process you can find paths to deeper support and love for yourself, which will help you gain momentum for your launch.

To successfully step into a new expanded and evolved version of yourself (aka “Future You”) you will need to let go of old thoughts, beliefs and judgements that no longer serve you. This requires a lot more than just photography.

In my opinion this is where I can help you the most. And yes, you will receive beautiful and magnetic photos—I am a skilled photographer.

But much more importantly you will have a seasoned self-expression, confidence and branding coach, by your side to help you lovingly stay focussed, stay clear and build momentum, so that you can make sure the photos are authentically you.

Everything you need to know about my self-expression coaching and photography process can be found on my new website.

Have a look at my new website. The link is in my bio.

Big love,


This is Your YEAR

I am looking for 5 heart-centred people in the Greater Toronto Area who are open to significantly upgrading their online presence, so that they can connect with more of their dream clients.

My area of specialty is supporting speakers, authors, coaches, therapists and artists.

I have worked with hundreds and have taken over 900,000 photos of people all over the world.

The people I want to support the most are individuals who are committed to using their passion, wisdom and energy to positively impact the world.

I know how to help these people take photos that ACTUALLY FEEL and LOOK like their best selves.

If you are interested, click the link here which has all the details including pricing, examples, and a ton of testimonials.

Big love,


This Is Louise Lee

It was so much fun working with Louise Lee. Her passion and vibrance shine through in every interaction.

I love when clients fully lean into my photography process and show up with their A-game. I also love when clients bring other parts of their lives and personalities into our shoots.

Most of my clients are coaches, speakers and authors, but that doesn’t mean that’s the only thing they do. Louise is an incredible violinist as well as a professional leadership and life coach.

It was such a pleasure to show BOTH of those sides of her during our photography session.

In my experience, it’s hard to trust someone online when you can only see one aspect of who they are. But when someone lets the world see many different sides of their true self, it feels like we’re standing in the same room.

That’s how we build trust.

If you’d like to learn more about my photography process, I’d love to chat with you. No pressure, just an honest conversation about your vision for you, your life and maybe your business.

My area of specialty is supporting speakers, authors, coaches, therapists, artists, and other individuals who use their passion, wisdom and energy to positively impact the world. 🌎

For a limited time I am offering a COMBO PACKAGE of 2 unique photoshoots in 1 day. By combining the photoshoots you will end up saving over $2000.

It’s an amazing value for anyone who is ready for an upgrade to their business.

You will walk away with a wide range of photos that will help you massively upgrade your online branding and support your business for the next few years.

If you are interested send me a direct message or follow the link in my bio.

This is Tarzan

Sometimes I feel like I am making a documentary of my clients lives. Especially the ones that I get the privilege of working with on a yearly basis.

Today Tarzan is coming into my studio for our 5th photoshoot.

Each time we have played together she has felt like a new and evolved version of herself.

All of us are growing, that’s how life works, but with Tarzan the expansion has felt really intentional and deep.

I remember from day one how light and playful she was. Yes, she runs a very successful business (Email Stars), but it was clear to me that she was so much more than just an entrepreneur.

She was really interested in connecting with me. Human to human. Soul to soul.

After 4 years of working with her it’s crystal clear to me that Tarzan really cares about people.

Our second shoot was an adventure in the city. It felt like we were running around Toronto making a music video together.

Our third shoot was more structured, as it was an indoor white backdrop type of shoot. That said, Tarzan still found ways to bring her fun, warm and playful energy to that experience.

And for our last shoot, I got to witness her more tender and radiant side, as we went on an adventure in the forest.

I have no idea what to expect for shoot #5.

But I have a feeling it’s going to be magical.

Big love,


PS: If you’re new here, my name is Darius and I am a professional portrait photographer that loves to work with authors, coaches, speakers, healers and artists. I have taken over 800,000 photos of awesome humans all over the world and I am currently looking for a few new clients to work with in the spring and summer.

I have an awesome spring/summer promo, so if you are interested in learning more, check it out here.

This is Vera

When I look at these photos, I see a teenager on her last day of high school. I see freedom and adventure. Everything feels possible.

It’s been a stretch of time since Vera was a teenager, but it’s clear her essence is full of youthful exuberance.

Her intention for the shoot was to let the youthful energy in her heart dance.

I think she nailed it.

Working with Vera during this shoot was truly like working with a curious, adventurous and playful child. She and I created space for her younger self to come out and play, and it was truly a wonderful experience. There is so much creative magic when our “childselves” are invited to show up and play.

I grow so much by witnessing my clients open their hearts and share the truth of their souls with the world. It takes a lot of courage to go into the depths of your heart and find your truth.

It takes even more courage to bring that truth into the world and share it outwardly.

Thank you Vera, for both your courage and for your willingness to be seen.

Your light and radiance makes this world a better place.



PS: If you’d like to work together this winter or spring, I have a great promotion til the end of this month. —>

PPS: If you want to see a fun video Reel I made for Vera you can find it on my Instagram or my TikTok.

Nooshin Sairafi

This was my first photoshoot with Nooshin, but it most definitely won’t be my last.

Yes, she is beautiful. That’s obvious. Yet what’s more impressive to me is how deep and intentional she was throughout our session.

As with most of my photography sessions, we started with a juicy 2-hour conversation.

Hearing her story and learning about her intentions with this photoshoot got me so excited.

By the end of our session I remember having this deeply inspired and hopeful feeling. And it wasn’t just because we took so many incredible photos together.

This hopeful state was due to witnessing the way in which Nooshin loved and celebrated herself through these photos—all of them.

She’s clearly done a lot of inner work to be able to hold space for all the different versions of herself that showed up in the photos. I shared a tiny handful in this IG video, but an entire spectrum of Nooshin showed up and she greeted each version of herself with kindness, compassion and love.

Well done Noosh… I am already planning our next collab!



Daniel Pillai HEARTshots

The first time I met Daniel was at this photoshoot. Before that, we knew each other on social media for over 10 years without ever being in the same room.

When we finally met in person, we instantly connected. 🙏🏽

Daniel was immediately drawn to the rose quartz gem on my necklace. Before I knew it, I was making him an extra frothy latte and he was pulling tarot cards for me and telling me all sorts of amazing psychic things about my life. Our hearts connected and there was immediate trust. 

Like two lifelong friends, we quickly dove into deep conversation. His openness and honesty encouraged my own. I love it when this happens with someone you just met. 

The photos turned out amazing, and a few days later we were on the phone booking his second shoot. 

The way Daniel uses the photos from his HEARTshots session on his website knocks my socks off. 🧦 They really pop and give you a sense of who he is. The entire site is done so well: professional, but also intimate and real. 

If you haven’t seen it I recommend taking a look —>

Daniel, I can’t wait for our next playdate!

Tracy Quinton HEARTshots

I have a theory:

As you grow wiser, you also grow more playful

And no matter how many times I see this theory come to life in my photography business, I am often still surprised.

My experience with Tracy is a great example of this. She’s a wise and successful entrepreneur who’s grown her business into a highly formidable consulting group over the past three decades. Tracy has a roster of tier one clients, many tremendous case studies, and (obviously) tons of intelligence and wisdom.

What surprised me the MOST about Tracy is how playful she was in our shoot. 

But I shouldn’t have been surprised. Because the most successful entrepreneurs I’ve worked with have all shared this energy of playfulness and fun. I no longer think this is a coincidence.

Having fun and making time to PLAY is its own level of success.

Not just for fun’s sake, but also as a tool to channel energy in a more productive way.

Not to mention that if we take life and ourselves too seriously, we burn out.

Tracy, thank you for an afternoon full of laughter, depth and Pitbull dance parties.

PS: If you want to make something beautiful with me in 2022, I have a great promo happening now. Send me a message and I’ll send you a link.

I have a $1500 gift for you

You’ve probably heard me talk about my dear friend Giovanni Marsico in the past: founder of Archangel, multi-million dollar business coach, and 2x Emmy Award-winning producer.

Gio is easily one of the smartest marketers I have ever met.

For the past 2 years he's been my business coach, which was easily the best business decision I have ever made. His coaching has directly helped me double my business revenue and focus my energy on things that truly bring joy into my life.

I have seen his tactics, strategies and coaching work for so many others in our group coaching program.

Gio is also one of the biggest givers I know, and teaches the importance of integrity, community and giving back to the world.

With all of the chaos happening in the world these days, he wanted to step up and do something that would help coaches, practitioners, speakers and experts make 2022 the best year ever so we can all impact a lot more people.

He has a coaching program called SUPERWORDS that he sold in 2021 for $1500 USD. SUPERWORDS shows you exactly what to say to create buyer safety in your emails and social media, in order to have Dream Clients say "I’m in!" to your coaching programs.

(Think of it as conscious and aligned marketing for introverts who don’t like selling.)

Starting today, Gio is gifting his SUPERWORDS program for FREE as a live, 5-day coaching event.

You can register for free here.

Even if you can’t make all the live calls, it’s worth it to register to get access to the training. Trust me.

I know many of you personally and have seen first-hand how much wisdom and brilliance you have to share. If you are ready to make 2022 the best year ever, I highly recommend you sign up for this FREE program.

Big LOVE, ⁣