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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged world peace meditation
World Peace Meditation

Pretending the tragedies in the Middle East aren’t happening does not work for me. They are happening. They are heart wrenching and they do deeply impact me.

Over-consuming media—especially graphic content about the violence in the Middle East—also does not work for me. My nervous system quickly goes into deep fear and panic and I become paralyzed with sadness.

I believe there is a path where I can both keep my eyes open and also keep my heart open.

In order to make any positive impact, it feels important to stay connected to what’s going on, while also staying connected to my personal power and my ability to take action.

This path begins by finding a way to regulate my nervous system. To find some sort of grounding and peace within. Otherwise, I am only contributing to the chaos.

It might sound silly to you, but sometimes the most helpful thing to do is to take a few deep intentional breaths, or go for a walk, or find 10 minutes to meditate.

Will any of this stop the tragedies that are taking place? No. But neither will pretending it doesn’t exist or throwing yourself into a panic by over-consuming news media.

Remember, you do not need to do anything in this exact moment. Taking action is a very personal choice.

If you are overwhelmed and have nothing to give, then it’s probably better for you to step back and find your centre again. Then from a more regulated nervous system, you might be able to find your power and take some sort of action to help.

Even small actions count. It’s better than shutting down and pretending this is not happening.

If you’d like to join me for a very special guided meditation tomorrow visit Our theme will be world peace.

God bless.


PS: If you can’t join us tomorrow morning at 9am EST I am happy to send you a recording of the guided meditation. Sign up for free at