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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged guided meditation
World Peace Meditation

Pretending the tragedies in the Middle East aren’t happening does not work for me. They are happening. They are heart wrenching and they do deeply impact me.

Over-consuming media—especially graphic content about the violence in the Middle East—also does not work for me. My nervous system quickly goes into deep fear and panic and I become paralyzed with sadness.

I believe there is a path where I can both keep my eyes open and also keep my heart open.

In order to make any positive impact, it feels important to stay connected to what’s going on, while also staying connected to my personal power and my ability to take action.

This path begins by finding a way to regulate my nervous system. To find some sort of grounding and peace within. Otherwise, I am only contributing to the chaos.

It might sound silly to you, but sometimes the most helpful thing to do is to take a few deep intentional breaths, or go for a walk, or find 10 minutes to meditate.

Will any of this stop the tragedies that are taking place? No. But neither will pretending it doesn’t exist or throwing yourself into a panic by over-consuming news media.

Remember, you do not need to do anything in this exact moment. Taking action is a very personal choice.

If you are overwhelmed and have nothing to give, then it’s probably better for you to step back and find your centre again. Then from a more regulated nervous system, you might be able to find your power and take some sort of action to help.

Even small actions count. It’s better than shutting down and pretending this is not happening.

If you’d like to join me for a very special guided meditation tomorrow visit Our theme will be world peace.

God bless.


PS: If you can’t join us tomorrow morning at 9am EST I am happy to send you a recording of the guided meditation. Sign up for free at

New Now

New week.
New month.
Fresh start.
Fresh canvas.

Time to let go of what was or what could have been.

Time to step into what is here now.

If you are open to it, rest your eyes for a moment with me.

Allow your mind, body and soul to catch up to this moment here.

Calling all parts of you that are elsewhere to come back home to your heart.

Visualize any part of you that might be stuck in the past or in the future gently floating back to this moment, back to your heart.

Take a few slow deep breaths. Breathing into your heartspace.

If you are open to it, slowly repeat the following mantra.

I am here now, in this.
I am here now, in this.
I am here NOW, in this.

New week.
New month.
Fresh start.
Fresh canvas.

What will you create from here and now?

Big love,


My Spiritual Side Hustle

To anyone out there with a calling to create meditations for your communities: today I’m sharing a Youtube video with a walkthrough of my entire process for creating meditations every week for 25k monthly listeners.

I know for a fact that many of you out there want to share more of your spiritual side with the world. I think this is so awesome.

Story time:

In the midst of the pandemic 3 years ago, I made my first meditation. I had zero training or background in this. My imposter syndrome was having a field day, to say the least.

I kept asking myself, “Who am I to guide a meditation? Who am I to build a community?! What business does a photographer have with any of this?”

It was intimidating, but I made it through.

Fast forward three years: every month 25,000 people meditate with me on Insight Timer and YouTube. I receive over 2,200 reviews every month, with an average rating of 4.85 out of 5 on Insight Timer. This blows my mind.

And every Friday 70 to 90 people join me on Zoom to meditate and journal as a community at

I have also started generating decent money from the meditations. I never expected this and it keeps growing, which is such a nice bonus.

This unexpected spiritual “side hustle” has become one of the greatest sources of joy in my life.

I am sharing this story with the intention of inspiring one of you out there. And today’s video is for anyone on the fence or unsure if they’re ready to dive into their own spiritual self-expression.

If this is you, take a look at today’s walkthrough of my creative process. Hopefully there are a few tips you can use for your own process in this video. Full length YouTube video is now live.

LINK IN MY BIO —> @dariusbashar

Big love,


PS: When I use the word “spiritual” I do not necessarily mean religious affiliation. It can be connected to religion, but I am referring to spiritual in a much broader sense.

For me, spiritual can refer to any practice or belief that acknowledges that we are more than humans. That there is something beyond us that is guiding, inspiring and supporting our lives.

You can call that God, Spirit, Soul, Universe or many other names.

The specific words we use are not very important for me. What DOES matter to me is that each of us gets an opportunity to explore our spirituality in our own way.

Washing Our Hands

There are only hours left in 2021.

Soon we turn the page and start something new.

Personally, I love fresh starts. I get so excited to see an empty canvas.

Sometimes if we are not careful, we can carry forward energy from the previous year into the new one. Like a painter who forgot to wash her hands and accidentally smudged old paint onto a new canvas.

Before we pick up this gorgeous new canvas called 2022, it might serve us to take a moment and gently wash off any residue from this past year.

Here are 2 questions that I am currently reflecting on before I step into the new year.

1) Is there anything I am ready to let go of before 2022?
2) Is there anyone I am ready to forgive (including myself)?

I hope these last few hours of 2021 serve you well and that 2022 is your best year yet

Thank you for all the love and support this past year.

Thank you for all the emails, comments, voicenotes, phone calls, Zoom chats, real life hangs and more.

This has been the most loving year of my life and this community (aka YOU) are a key part of that.

Happy New Year!!



PS: If you enjoy guided meditations I made one specifically for New Year’s Eve and the first few days of 2022. It’s great for anyone that wants to bring closure to 2021 and step into 2022 with intention, purpose and POWER.

Creativity Meditation (Boost Your Energy)

Good morning beauties!

Hope your Hump Day is off to an awesome start. If you are looking for a BOOST of ENERGY this meditation might do the trick.

See you guys on Friday.

Big love,


PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I’ve got you covered. There are so many on my YouTube channel.

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free → Free Group Meditation / @artistmorning

ANCESTOR MEDITATION for Wisdom and Connection

I hope you had a great weekend and got lots of time in the sun.

This meditation is a journey away from technology, digital screens and anything that resembles modern society.

It's an opportunity to travel through time and space and sit with your ancestors in nature.

Maybe they have something to share with you.

Have an awesome day.



PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I’ve got you covered → / link in bio @dariusbashar

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free → Free Group Meditation / @artistmorning

#meditations #meditationpractice #meditationtime #meditationteacher #meditationclass #meditation🙏

Meditation For Change (GUIDED Morning MEDITATION)

There is a lot going on in the world. All of us are dealing with change and uncertainty on a daily basis.

This simple 15-minute guided morning meditation will help you find INNER PEACE and CALM within yourself.

In this meditation, we will explore the change that is happening all around us from a beautiful mountain overlooking the ocean.

I invite you to give your thinking / doing brain a rest and go on this journey to find endless peace, power and creativity within yourself.

This guided journey will meet you exactly where you are and help you compassionately explore and express your truth.



PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I’ve got you covered → / link in bio @dariusbashar

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free → Free Group Meditation / @artistmorning

#meditations #meditationpractice #meditationtime #meditationteacher #meditationclass #meditation🙏

Morning HEART Meditation (Activate YOUR HEART and Amplify YOUR LOVE)

Good morning y'all!

I love making meditations that help people connect with their hearts. I believe our hearts are a tremendous power source and also a gateway to ENDLESS creativity.

My intention with this 15-minute guided meditation is to help you activate your heart and set you up for deeper connection and more presence throughout your day and week.

Hope you enjoy the meditation.


Darius 🙏🏽

PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I’ve got you covered → / link in bio @dariusbashar

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free → Free Group Meditation / @artistmorning

#meditations #meditationpractice #meditationtime #meditationteacher #meditationclass #meditation🙏

Self-Love Guided Meditation

Happy Monday y’all! ☀️

If you’re looking to feel more connected to your body and access more gratitude in your heart, this simple guided meditation is a powerful way to start your day.

This 15-minute meditation will help you feel more grounded and clear about your day. It can also help you access more joy.

If you’re looking for a deeper dive, this meditation also pairs well with some post-meditation journaling. Throw an extra 10 to 15 minutes on your timer after you finish the meditation and see what comes up through pen and paper.

Hope you enjoy it.



PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I’ve got you covered → / link in bio @dariusbashar

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free → Free Group Meditation / @artistmorning