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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Blake Fly {Speaker of The Week}

I am so grateful and fortunate that I get to spend quality time with so many truly epic humans. Often, these are people who tour all over the world sharing their gifts and brilliance to sold out crowds.

Somehow I have convinced these remarkable speakers, coaches, healers and badass entrepreneurs to come to my home/studio and sit with me for hours as we get to know each other, prior to actually taking photos of them.

Most people are generous, and willing to share their most juicy life lessons, or a current book or podcast that has changed their lives. I walk away from every HEARTshot session with 1 or 2 new tools or tips that I can integrate into my life immediately.

My goal is to continually find ways to better fan the fires of these heart-centred thought leaders. By supporting them and the amazing work they do in the world, this will help me maximize my impact too.

So with that said, here is this week’s Speaker of The Week. My homie, the one and only Blake Fleischacker.

Name: Blake Fleischacker

Professional speakers since: 2010

Total number of (professional) talks given: 1,212

What do you speak about?

The leading reason why people drop out of school, quit their jobs and leave their relationships is a lack of appreciation. So... I have spent a decade talking about appreciation, recognition and how to use it as rocket fuel for better relationships on campus, in companies and life.


  1. When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be?

    I vividly recall writing 2 things in my yearbook around this age. “Happy” was the first one and “The Zamboner of Maple Leaf Gardens” was the second. I have always been a big-picture thinker and a bit of a black sheep. I figured those answers accomplished a bit of both.

  2. From all the talks you've delivered, which one stands out the most in your memory?
    The first ever “New Year’s Evolutions.” That was the first time I hosted my own event and I was the one responsible to get people to show up. It was terrifying because that was new territory for me as someone who usually speaks at events put on by other people (where they fill the seats). “Will anybody show up?” was the voice in my head that I was excited to quiet and prove wrong. That’s when people showed up.

  3. What is the BEST advice you've ever received about speaking?
    “Blend and lead.” This means that you must meet people where they are at and then invite them to where you want them to go with you in the speech. It’s kind of like bagpipes at a campfire. If someone just busts that out right after quiet, acoustic guitar songs, it messes everything up. If the bagpipe player acknowledges the guitar music, acknowledges the change the people are about to experience, and THEN plays... game on. Best. Bonfire. Ever.

  4. Do you still get nervous when you are about to give a talk? If so, how do you calm your nerves?

    Yes. One of my favourite musicians is Jason Mraz. Before speeches, I watch old YouTube videos of him playing secret shows at pubs in Holland. It shows him having the time of his life and creating a magical experience for the audience. It is all captured on the digital camera of an audience member. Low quality footage, but high quality look into the perspective/experience of someone in the audience loving every minute of the performance. These videos inspire me, anchor me and get me aligned for every speech.

  5. Name one thing that frustrates you:
    I have not yet felt the full range of my feelings. I feel frustrated about that. Ha. See what I did there? I know that consistently exploring my emotional range will elevate my abilities as a speaker, creator and performer. People want to FEEL someone on stage and know that they are human.



Instagram: @blakefly

Upcoming events: New Year’s Evolutions in Nov 2019. Year 4 of 55.

Link for Above:


You Are So MUCH MORE Than Your Niche

You are so much more than your niche and your social media content can reflect that. Don’t be afraid of showing your audience the real you! Here’s what I mean:⁣⁣⁣⁣

👉🏽 Bring them on vacation⁣⁣

👉🏽 Bring them into your family life⁣⁣

👉🏽 Bring them into your current challenges and the MESSY parts of your business / life⁣⁣

👉🏽 Bring them into your past mistakes and life lessons⁣⁣

👉🏽 Bring them into your PLAY and JOY⁣⁣

Because at the end of the day, when we show people the REAL us, we build trust. ❤️⁣⁣

PS: Want your pictures to show the world the REAL you?

Take a look at my HEARTshots promo this month ->

Let people see you.

Summer of Yes

What would happen if you said YES to almost every project that was offered to you?⁣

Forget outcome. Forget what you did or did not do in the past. Forget what might be one day. ⁣

YES, to projects with new co-creators.⁣

YES, to projects that place you outside of your comfort zone.⁣

YES, to projects that could not pay you.⁣

YES, to projects that look impossible to complete.⁣

YES, to projects that you know will never be complete.⁣

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives." - Lemony Snicket⁣

Thank you Kristen Saxton for the opportunity to collaborate on this project. ⁣

You took a risk and stepped outside of your comfort zone so that you could continue building out your portfolio as a Hair and Make-up artist. I love people who are chasing their dreams. ⁣

Also, a big thank you to Kim Foulkes for also saying YES. You were so easy and effortless to work with. Such a treat.

7 Questions With Jenn Mansell (COACH OF THE WEEK)
  1. Describe your coaching approach in 2-3 sentences:

    I work with the body to uncover the parts of you that have been hidden, suppressed, or ignored. We call these parts back into the whole of your being so you can access their joy, peace, pleasure and excitement for life.

  2. What's 1 training program that you can highly recommend to coaches looking to level up?

    Because I am such a big advocate for working with the body, breath and feelings I highly recommend Core Energetics and Radical Aliveness workshops and groups. You can coach from your head, or you can coach from your entire embodied self. There is a big difference in the impact you can make when you are able to trust your impulses and intuition.

  3. When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be?
    Either a performer or a librarian lol. My extrovert and introvert both had their own agendas.

  4. Name one book that changed your life:
    A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. I read this book when I was 20 and would say it ignited my spiritual path.

  5. What is the BEST advice you've ever received about coaching?

    “The most powerful leadership tool you have is your own personal example.” John Wooden

  6. What is the WORST advice you've ever received about coaching?

    Everyone is a coach. The market is oversaturated.

  7. Name one thing that you are super excited about:
    The interest, excitement and momentum I feel around Breathwork and its growing presence as a healing modality, especially in Toronto.


Instagram: @jlmansell

Upcoming events: My monthly Breathwork ceremony -


98% of Everyone I Photograph HATES The First Photo I Show Them

It's okay. I hated my first photo too. All I could see were my imperfections. It felt as if the rest of me was erased and only the parts that I felt most insecure about were left in the photo.

There are a couple of reasons 98% of everyone I photograph feels this way too. I get into a few in this video.

The good news is I have a process that is made to lovingly work through this incredibly common phenomenon.

I call it HEARTshots, which are the opposite of HEADshots.

My theory is nobody really trusts headshots in 2019. They are too stiff and often contrived. Nobody wants to get into your head. Half the time you don't want to be in your own head. Mostly people just want to feel your heart. That's how they decide if they can trust you and if they want to work with you.

My HEARTshots process is designed for people who are ready to step more fully into their purpose and power. This can sometimes be scary, but it can also be a boatload of fun.

Seriously, people are always so shocked at how much we play and laugh during our sessions. This is the only way I know how to take photos. The more genuine joy we co-create together, the better the photos.

So, if you are ready to take a big leap forward and continue down this path of sharing your purpose and power with the world, hit me up! This is my jam. There is nothing I love more than fanning the fires of HEART-centred leaders, just like you.

I have an awesome promo for this month. Have a look and see if you feel called to connect. ->

It's okay. I hated my first photo too. All I could see were my imperfections. It felts as if the rest of me was erased and only the parts that I felt most insecure about were left in the photo. There are a couple of reasons 98% of everyone I photograph feels this way.

Parul Bansal is Bald AF + Bold AF (Speaker of The Week)

If I lived to be 10 000 years old, I will never forget this photoshoot with my dear friend @parulbee.⁣
She is a living example of what is possible when you step into your wound and then step through to your superpower.⁣⁣
She has already inspired hundreds of thousands through her Speaker Slam winning talk and is on her way to inspiring millions more by continuing to share her HEARTstory and her journey with the world.⁣⁣

How To Build Trust With Your Smile (Tip Tuesday)

Here is a quick and practical tip to help you instantly build trust through your smile.

It was inspired by hundreds of people who have expressed concern around not being able to smile on camera, in a sincere way.

This is probably the top complaint I hear from people prior to our shoot.

“As soon as there is a camera on me, I forget how to smile! I always feel awkward and fake on camera.”

I hear ya friends. This video can help!

Here is the a quick and practical tip to help you instantly build trust through your smile. It was inspired by hundreds of people who have expressed concern around not being able to smile on camera, in an sincere way. This is probably the top complaint I hear from people prior to our shoot.

I Am Doubling Down On Speakers, Coaches + Authors

In august I will be doubling down on working with speakers, coaches and authors.

You will see my content change. I am not exactly sure what that means yet, but I want to laser focus on this incredibly powerful group of humans.

I am committed to finding ways to create massive value for this audience, both through my HEARTshots photography and also through what I know about authentic branding and self-expression.

Why Speakers, Coaches and Authors?

  • These are the people I can help the most.

  • These are the people I have worked with for over 10 years.

  • These are the people who share my core beliefs.

  • These are the people who have experienced the greatest ROI (return on investment) from my photography.

  • By working with people who are so deeply committed to helping others, I will be able to make a much bigger impact on the world. (teach the teachers)

  • These are my people! I believe in them with everything I have. I also fully believe in the power of sharing our HEART stories.


Over the last 10 years I have been so fortunate to work with many world class speakers, coaches and authors from around the world. I have also been blissed to work intimately with leading speaker organizations such as TEDxToronto, SpeakersSlam, Archangel, Talk Boutique and Elite Speakers Academy.

With each collaboration I feel invigorated and refreshed.

These are my people. I am ready to dig deeper and do whatever it takes to deliever even more value to them.

If you are a speaker, coach or author who is ready to level-up let’s connect. Comment below or direct message me. I have a special promotion just for you.

For more information on my HEARTshots promo click here.

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